Research Synthesis Design Solution

Hillman Library Full-o-Meter

Map 01


01 Problem Identification

After much brainstorming, delibration, and discussion, we came up with 20 initial concepts that spanned the range of locations and audiences in Schenley Plaza, in an atempt to identify which problem we wanted to solve.

Below are sketches of some of these ideas.

Kiosk for purchasing tickets for the Merry-go-round with a friendly personality

Curb Lights
Lights on the curb around the grassy area of the park that light up to reflect the number of people on the grass


Robot that would go around the park, picking up litter autonomously


Interactive Canopy Floor
Make the canopy floor into an interactive display, where people could donate money to get their names displayed


LED Swing Lights
Place LEDs on swings and such that display messages with the motion of the swing

Hillman Library Full-o-Meter. Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University