Research Synthesis Design Solution



02 Website Preview


Here is a preview of our prototype.


Flow of interaction

  1. Jane searches for a good beef chili recipe by typing in “beef chili” in the search box.

  2. She browses through the search results and wants to look at ‘No heartburn beef chili’.

  3. She clicks on the recipe to take a look at it in detail and decides to choose it. In the side pane, she looks at the suggested dishes to go with this, and decides to select “Tex-Mex Sloppy Joes” by checking it.

  4. She clicks on the “Add to Meal” button at the bottom of the window, which takes her back to the main page and she can see the total cooking time for the meal in the updated “My Meal” pane.

  5. She clicks on the “Start cooking” button to launch the dashboard.


BID 2010 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University