

Brick and Mortar Observation

We observed people ordering wine at a bar and then asked them how they made their choice. Separately, we investigated the reasons people go to a wine tasting.


Novice drinkers choose wines that 'sound good' or appear to have an interesting flavor. They read descriptions on the menu looking solely at the flavor information provided. These drinkers also choose wines that someone else has suggested.

Advanced wine drinkers looked at the type of grape in the wines. They thought about their current mood and the characteristics of wine that would complement that mood. Advanced drinkers were more interested in the winery that produced the wine.

The appeal of wine-tastings is the social interaction. Advanced wine drinkers like to discuss wines with other like-minded people. They also enjoy the opportunity to taste and smell the wine, as well as pair it with different food and cheeses while learning about it.


  BID Spring 2009 | Carnegie Mellon University Sin-Young Park | Jessa Hafer-Zdral | M. Azim Ali