

Directed Storytelling

We spoke with six different individuals and asked them to recall their last experience purchasing wine at a restaurant/bar, liquor store, or wine tasting. We noted how they chose the wine, what factors influenced their decision, and who gave them recommendations.


Novice wine drinkers read labels and descriptions searching for a flavor they think they might like. They do not pay too much attention to the specifics on the label. Recommendations from friends or a server at a restaurant are extremely influential.

Advanced wine drinkers rely more on past experience. They consider what the wine will be paired with and look for characteristics of wine that are important to them. Rather than a recommendation, these drinkers want more detailed information so they can make the choice for themselves.


  BID Spring 2009 | Carnegie Mellon University Sin-Young Park | Jessa Hafer-Zdral | M. Azim Ali