Affinity Diagramming


In order to effectively target the core focal pain points of travel related issues for recent retirees, Balanza used affinity diagrams to brainstorm possible areas of focus for mobile needs of recent retirees when they travel. Shopping, buying gifts, budgeting, "what is reasonable abroad", local recommendations were the categories that came up prominently.


With these focal points addressed, we narrowed our scope to address budgeting and financing needs of traveling retirees. Through further analysis and research, we gathered information on the average amount of savings a recently retired individual has accrued near the start of his or her retirement. After the calculations, we brainstormed ideas of how we can help the recently retired community enjoy more trips by helping them save money on each trip.


The synthesis of these ideas formulated into scenarios for both of our personas (Steven and Shankar) to accommodate the need for a travel budgeting application. To help the elderly avoid being taken advantage of by merchants in foreign countries, the initial idea of the application revolved around informing the consumer whether or not a price of a certain item is expensive or inexpensive in that countries currency.


This presented some challenges as the application was not specifically targeting the needs of recent retirees. The idea was presented to its peers to gather critiques for further improvements to the application.