Competitive Analysis
Finding our niche

By examining where our competitors succeed and where they falter, we found the unaddressed needs that our product could focus on.


We browsed a number of electronic cooking resources, primarily food blogs like FoodGawker and comprehensive cooking sites like We also looked into desktop recipe management software Cook'n.

Key Insights

Needs being served
A plethora of recipes are available, along with extensive instruction on cooking techniques. Community content is also extensive, with users swapping recipes, reviews, and tips. Reasonable tools exist to assist users in managing personal collections of favorite recipes.

Space for innovation
Little exists to assist in planning complex events. Shopping list management existed but was unsophisticated, with list management available for individual recipes but not for dynamic combinations of recipes. The ability to automatically scale ingredient amounts based on number of guests was rare. Most significantly, we did not find any competitors who had tackled the difficulty of timing the preparation and cooking steps for a user-selected menu.
