
Directed Storytelling


Our interview with the curator of the Carnegie Museum of Art helped us understand the role a curator plays in a museum, their concerns and their priorities. Major aspects of being a curator include:

  • deciding how best to expand

  • Juxtaposing art that goes well together to create meaning

  • Telling a story through the work

  • Imaging new ways that works of art can come together to make meaning

  • Keeping eyes open for what’s to compliment your exhibition by filling gaps and improving current collections

Private Collector

We spoke with a small scale private collector to get a better sense of why she collected and how we could enhance her experience.

  • Likes art to be a part of everyday life and finds inspiration from it throughout her day.

  • Selects pieces based on an emotional response to it, has to grab her yet be within a limited price range.

  • Finds artists through galleries she knows, and finds galleries from newspapers, word of mouth, and when she stumbles upon them. She is always looking for new galleries.

Gallery Owner

We spoke with the owner of the Germanton Vinyard and Gellery to get a better sense of professional art selling and how the internet impacted his business.

  • Is well connected in the art network and sells art from up and coming artists

  • Uses his website to advertise the art he sells

  • Holds events to get business and improve knowledge of his business, since he is a small family owned business in a remote location.

  • Is always trying to think of new ways to improve knowledge of his gallery

  • Feels that art is the safest investment and tries to share the experience of art collecting and appreciation.