
Our solution is a website that allows art enthusiasts to experience art regularly by creating and maintaining their own gallery space. Users can search the database for art based on any criteria they put in the search bar, for example, date, styles of art, medium, artists. Users can browse based on their search criteria or they can view galleries of other online users (and pull art from those sites), browse artists and galleries (both virtual and actual) that the site recommends based on their preferences.

When users mouse over paintings they are interested in, information about the painting or artist pops up so that the user can learn more about art. Once a user finds a work of art that they truly love, they can add it to their que, which has unlimited space and is viewable at any time by the user. From their que, users can arrange 10 paintings in their gallery space, which is viewable to the public. Along with deciding the order and layout of their wall space with “drag and drop” interactions, users can also crop and rescale the paintings to maximize the personal experience and allow users to play with their imagination in a way that they could not in reality. Users can zoom in on their own or other gallery walls to see details or they can view the full wall for the over all effect. They can also get recommendations of local artists they might like or galleries they might enjoy either in a location