Exploration Generation Persona Final Design

Initial Scenario

Chris knows that a few of his friends are getting married within the next few months. He feels that it is the appropriate time to buy a suit as he knows he will use it often for these weddings. He would also like to get married too and wants to find his mate at these weddings. So he is trying to buy a fashionable suit in a reasonable price that could impress girls.

After a recent symphony concert, Chris took the cufflinks off to roll up the sleeves because it was too hot and he lost one of the cufflinks. He looked for it everywhere but he just cannot find it. He had these cufflinks for a long time so he decides to buy a new set. He thinks he could buy a new set when he shops for the new suit that he is going to buy.

BID 2010 | Human-Computer Interaction Institute - Carnegie Mellon University