Research Design Solution



03 Interview

In their words...

As a part of our research, we interviewed two single mother's to help drive our focus.

How do you feel being apart from your child?
M1:I feel relieved sometimes, sometimes I miss her a lot.
M2: I miss her and want her to be around me generally, but at times, I want a little space to myself.

Do you think of your child while you are at work?
M1: I'm too busy to think of her at work.
M2: Yes, and it can be distracting sometimes.

Do you want to know what's going on at home, even if your child is misbehaving?
M1: I want to know if she's acting like a brat.
M2: I want to know what's going on, it could be a sign of another problem. I want to make sure she's happy and doing ok so I can relax.

Do you want to see pictures of your child when you are away from her?
M1: It's good to see smiling, happy, pictures, especially on stressful days
M2: Yes, that is why I have pictures and video of her on my phone. I like to remember the story behind it. Like when she was being silly and hiding behind her teddy bear. Especially like to see her when she's sleepy. She looks so angelic and sweet.

Cork | Jain | Miller | Veerubhotla
BID 2010 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University