Research Synthesis Design Solution

Bag Assist

Observations 02


02 Observations

Key Observations:

There were people waiting at the Airport primarily for three things:
1) People - People they had come to pick up, the baggage claim area was a popular waiting place as it was quiet and it was easy to meet people there
2) Baggage - People waited at the baggage carousel, usually for 10-15 minutes, people attentive towards the carousel and people whose bags were the last ones to arrive were concerned and anxious. Airport staff collected any unclaimed bags and transported them to the baggage claim office.
3) Ground Transport - People waited upon arrival for buses, people to pick them up etc, worked on laptop or read to pass the time.

Though no major problem with identifying bags on the carousel was observed, it required people to be constantly attentive and some people were found to open up bags to verify they were theirs.

Kiosks at the Airport

National Car Rental - For booking ground transport
Check Flight Status - Flight information
Science Kiosk - Placed near the baggage claim, providing information on basic Science
Hotel phone number kiosk - A kiosk with phones and phone numbers of hotels along with a giant promotional display

science kiosk



A large display near the baggage claim area showing arrival time of flights whose bags ere to arrive at that particular carousel - used by people waiting.


BIID 2009 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University