


Persona 1  |  Persona 2

Clayton Phillips

26 years old, Single

Recent graduate, works at start-up in Bay area

Extremely social, enjoys ‘Fine Dining’ With his new job he has more disposable income and wants to learn more about the intricacies of wine

Knows the basics; knows the characteristics and some of the components that he likes

Wants to be informed on the other things to look for in a wine, how to pair wines with food to maximize the flavor; wants to make his own informed decision

Life Goals

  • Wants to start his own company
  • Travel the world and experience as many different places and cultures as possible

Experience Goals

  • Easy access to information
  • Walk him through what he doesn’t know
  • Interact with others who share his interest

End Goals

  • Provides enough information so he feels like he is making the decision and not blindly following the recommendation of others
  • Increase his growing knowledge of wines


  BID Spring 2009 | Carnegie Mellon University Sin-Young Park | Jessa Hafer-Zdral | M. Azim Ali