Research Synthesis Design Solution



05 Competitive Analysis

Our competitive analysis included travel planning sites, travelogues, travel blogs and newspapers as resources for travel information. While there existed several applications dealing with planning a trip and sharing the experiences separately, there was no application combining the two aspects to create a complete package. Also we did not come across any good way of leveraging peer comments and word of mouth for planning trips in the current applications.

We also looked as photosynth as a technology that we could use in our application to create a 3 dimensional spatial experience out of photos. This was a potential tool for re-creating the experience of a place.

Newspapers as a source of "word of mouth" kind information is also used by people (letters to the editor, travel stories) It is an effective low cost resource, but have limited coverage of places and no interactivity.

BID 2009 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University