Window to the Past


Concept Validation

To evaluate our brainstormed concepts we used speed dating for validation. Speed dating was done in two sessions. The first was with peers, the second with potential users at our location. During the first session we presented interaction concepts and potential form factors, getting feedback from fellow classmates. We used that information to refine our kioks design and interaction concepts, creating new sketches and storyboards that were then used with hypothetical users at south side works


Initial feedback we received suggested that our form factors needed refinement. People felt that our designs were catered towards a single user but weren't suitable for our public space or groups. Interaction concepts that were popular included being able to navigate through time and, manipulation of wheather. The refined storyboard sketches that were speed dated with users on site were more detailed. We discovered from these that the historical aspects of the site were interesting but traveling back a week in time was not. We also received mostly possitive feedback on the "oasis" wheather concept. To view the sketches please refer to the design page


  BID Spring 2009 | Carnegie Mellon University Thomas Bolster | Sin-Young Park | Nathan Colker| M. Azim Ali