Concept Validation

Speed dating in context

A few days later we went back in the dusk/evening time to validate our ideas. BTW the place was packed and we were able to capture great crowd noises. We spoke to a number of people varying in age and demographics. In general people were willing to talk, but younger people were more open to ideas than older people.

Validation of the general idea

We got great feedback on the idea of an interactive fountain in general. Many of the people we spoke to were somewhat bored, as they were waiting in various places around the square for a movie or the Cheesecake Factory. The were glad just for the chance to do speed dating!

Promising ideas

Concert - Very well liked by many - this was a universal favorite everyone felt they could enjoy. Musical Spots (chairs) - very well accepted though probably for the age 10-20. Older crowd said they would enjoy watching.
Moodbar - somewhat neutral feedback. engagement - mixed reviews... especailly at first, people didn't know what to think of a fountain that tried to get your attention.
Duck duck goose - well received. People generaly liked the idea of games. Direct Draw - very well accepted, though middle-age and older adults seemed more content to watch than to engage.

Retesting a few not so promising ideas

We brought back a few of our orginal ideas just to see how they would test with "real" users and in context.

Playful splash - This made nearly everyone laugh, but no one wanted the joke to be on them. "What, really?" was often the response Recognizing regulars - most people thought this was just plain weird.
Directions - people were not as interested in this idea.