Research Design Demos



01 Persona

Meet Sharon Weiss...

LocationPasadena, CA
EducationMS in Linguistics
JobFreelance translator for French, Spanish, German, Italian
FamilySon - Zak, 3 yrs

Sharon is a divorced single mother who works from home in order to spend more time with her asthmatic son. Zak’s father sees Zak only every other weekend. She had little knowledge regarding asthma before she discovered her son’s condition. She currently subscribes to air quality alerts via SMS and watches morning news for weather and allergen reports.

Sharon and Zak loved playing at the park, but now they settle for watching his favorite TV show together. She is nervous about leaving Zak with other people (play dates, daycare, etc.) because she is afraid they won’t know how to handle an attack. She wants things to change because she doesn’t want to become overprotective like some of the mothers she met at the asthma parents support group.

"I freaked out when Zak got his first asthma attack. I want to figure this thing out so he can be healthy."

BID 2010 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University