
01 Research Overview

In order to decide what workflow our personalized memory collection website would support, we had to decide which types of research we wanted to conduct. Our biggest constraint for selecting this research was time. Ideation had to happen in three and a half weeks so the generative methods had to help us focus and reach a design quickly.

First we held an initial brainstorming session about our own ideas about collecting and sharing experiences. Next, we conducted three types of research to learn more about how people use, store, and manage memories:

  • Directed storytelling to investigate experience collection behavior related to group events.
  • Competitive analysis to better understand other experience sharing websites and the strengths and problems with these websites.
  • Brick and Mortar Observation to see how people organize their memories and experiences in both physical and digital mediums.

We extracted common motivations, values, and processes of users and then synthesized this research to construct a design for a final solution.

Basic Interaction Design | Spring 2009
Human-Computer Interaction Institute | Carnegie Mellon University