Research Synthesis Design Solution





One Thursday night, at 11:04pm, Carlos was making his final loop on the line "ROJA4", and had in his van 3 regular passengers, 2 females and one male.

At 11:23pm, he stopped at the Central bus Station and picked up two foreign passengers who were headed to the Colonial hostel in downtown.

On the way back to downtown, near the Palacio de Justicia, the van lunged forward a bit and began to slow down. Carlos noticed the "check engine light" had come on and pulled on to the side of the road. As he put the engine in Park, the engine died. He doesn't want to inconvenience his passengers, so he says to them "Don't worry everyone, I'll get us moving in no time", and then pulls out his phone.

Main menu + temp display of title {selects diagnose}

- Diagnose A 1: Stop the engine, switch off the light, park (mainly security issues)
- Diagnose A 2: Any smoke, fire, ...
- Diagnose A 3: Can you start the engine ?
- Is the alternator belt broken? (Help: Locate the alternator belt) {select Help, YES}
- Can you locate the alternator belt in the hood?  {select YES}
- Problem Statement : Your alternator belt is broken. It is used to recharge your battery by using you kinetic energy.
Hence, you may run out of electricity soon, but technically speaking you can still drive for 2-3 hours max.
Not a dangerous situation, but driving is not recommended
- Action Selector: {Carlos looks at the different solution, is interested in conserving time and money, and the problem doesn’t seem not so difficult}
- Use tape to fix the alternator belt, do this and this
- Warning: temporary fix, you should go to the repair within 5 hours. Would you add a reminder to your Navigation System?

Carlos announces to his passengers that everything is ok, they are relieved. Carlos now switches his van light off, indicating that he is not ferrying any more passengers, and drives to the city center to drop off his passengers. 30 min later, the last passenger has reached his destination.

BID 2009 . Human-Computer Interaction Institute . Carnegie Mellon University